Just finished what may be the first of a few oil paintings from the latest visit to Northumberland - this one shows some of the nesting birds on Staple Island (one of the two that people are allowed to land on).
As mentioned in the posts relating to the trip there was some sea fog but by chance it cleared for the period while on Staple Island but as can be seen in the painting it's just in the distance (upper left). I really enjoyed this painting, not as much as the visit though, although the mass of rock took longer to paint than expected.
While working at this location one of the Shags kept getting up off it's nest and then having a walk around but while doing was stealing nesting material for other birds nests...
Detail from "Sea fog clears over nesting birds on Staple Island", Staple Island, Farne Islands, Northumberland.
Oil. Alistair Butt © 2013 - #AB 021341